Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trav's Birthday

Last Sunday we went to Lock Haven for a little birthday party for Bill's son, Travis who turned 9 on the 9th. When we were making plans for the party I decided that I wanted to make Trav's birthday cake. So I decided on a two layer funfetti cake with chocolate frosting and then decorated it.. after making the cake I remembered that Travis is in the stage where something that is his favorite today he will probably hate tomorrow. So I was really unsure if he would even like it.

We get down to Bill's parents and all the kids play outside all day and we kind of just relax before heading to Bill's sister Gwen's for dinner and cake. Travis hadn't seen the cake all day, and as dumb as this sounds I was nervous because I kept thinking that he would hate the cake lol. But anyways, we finally get the cake out and he said that it looked good but when Sandy (Bill's stepmom) tells Trav that I made it he ran lol... later he said that "rainbow cake" is his new favorite so I guess I did all right!

The cake I made for Travis

Travis being silly

Bill, Travis, Evan, Josh, and Zack

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Evan's girlfriend Lexi

So my best friend's fiance has a two year old little girl, Lexi. Lately, Nicole has been bringing Lexi over to play with Evan and Lexi was always really shy and didn't really want anything to do with Evan. Evan on the other hand followed her around like a little puppy.

So the other day Nicole brings Lexi over and Evan gets in this pop-up hamper because he likes to play peek-a-boo. and Lexi wants to get in it too. So both the kids are in the hamper.. Next thing we know they both sit down and are popping out of it yelling peek-a-boo! It was really cute. Now Lexi likes to play with Evan, and when Nicole wants to leave she doesn't want to.

These next pics are of Evan and my nephew Cameron..

Cam wasn't happy when my sister dropped him off, so Evan's trying to make him feel better by showing him his toys

Evan actually posed for a picture. Normally you have to sneak attack him with the camera!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day of Nothing..

Today the three of us got up and around, Bill left for work, and Evan and I did pretty much nothing. It was nice. No school, no work. Just me and the little guy. Days like today make me wish I didn't have to work or go to school...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A little bit about me..

My name is Rachael. I live in a little town called Painted Post with my boyfriend, Bill, and our son, Evan. I work at Tag's as a server, and go to Corning Community College for nursing.

Bill and I met when I was going to school at Lycoming College in Williamsport, PA. To make a long story short- I moved home when I was pregnant and Bill moved here this past August. So far, things are going well. We have our little arguements, but who doesn't?

I can't cook- that's probably why I date one. lol. And I'm very picky when it comes to food. I love pizza, seafood, and hot sauce!

I love music in general.. but my favorites are most country (especially kenny chesney), and dave matthews band. But my zune contains a little bit of everything from OAR to Red Hot Chili Peppers.