Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The love and marriage gameshow and the quest

After spending the day at Atlantis we headed back to the ship and watched a gameshow with people from the ship called the Newly wed game. It was set up like the newly wed game but instead of three honeymoon couples there was one couple that had been married for at least 50 yrs, one crazy couple, and one couple that had been married one year or less. The host sent the girls away and asked the guys a couple questions- things like "you're at the mall and your girl calls and tells you to buy her a bra but doesn't tell you size or color, what do you buy?" The girls then come back and answer the questions and if the answers match they get a point. Then they reverse- it was pretty interesting. Especially when an old man was telling people about his wife's bra being 34DD and see through! lol. Hilarious!!

Next stop was the adult scavenger hunt called "the quest." We were set up in groups of 7 or 8 with Bill and I being the captains for our team. The host would say "send captain down with a piece of fruit" and you'd have to try to be the first team with fruit. Later we needed things like bras, mens pants, and my face covered in lipstick! When we needed mens pants it was pretty funny because Bill gave me his (he had boxers on of course) and then we needed another pair. The other guy on our team said "I can't give you mine- I don't have anything on underneath!" When we couldn't get anyone else's he said screw it and took one for the team by going commando so that we could have 2 pairs of pants! Now I know why it's adult only scavenger hunt! Let's just say it was interesting- and one of my favorite parts of the trip!

Day 3- Bahamas

Day 3 started out with a drunken Bill being scared of a towel animal wearing his sunglasses when we arrived to our room about 3am! We were scheduled to go parasailing at 11 but soon after waking heard that this was cancelled because winds were still pretty bad so instead we took a ferry to Paradise Island and spent the day at Atlantis- and I'm pretty glad we did! It was amazing. Bill said that it was nicer than any of the hotels that he saw when in Las Vegas. After walking through the aquarium we went outside and walked on the beach which was so pretty with its white sand and beautiful blue water. We even drank a pina colada out of a coconut! Best pina colada I've ever had lol! Then it was on to the water park... Definitely recommend spending time at Atlantis if you ever travel to the bahamas. A little pricey but definitely worth it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 2- Bahamas

The second day we woke up refreshed. Soon we found out we were not going to be able to go to Coco Cay because it was too windy and the small tender boats wouldn't be able to make it with the winds and waves. Instead, we ended up going to Nassau a day early. We pretty much just walked around and went back to the boat early because it was formal night. Formal night was nice, we pretty much just went to dinner and then hung out at the circuit lounge for the rest of the night..

Day 1- Bahamas

The first day was pretty much just getting to the ship. We left the house at 2am and headed to the Rochester airport. We were apparently so excited that we left waaay too early and had to sit at the airport for 2 hours before boarding our plane. I had never been on an airplane so I was pretty nervous, but Bill assured me I'd be fine! lol. Finally, at 5:30am we boarded the plane and our flight to Cleveland began. Of course, since I had never been on a plane and was super nervous the plane had to be a tiny one- which only made me more nervous!
Our next stop was Cleveland, Ohio. We got there about 7:15am and had to hang out until about 9 when our flight to Orlando was ready to head out. This plane was bigger and by this time I was a little more comfortable with being in the air. However, this time the pressure on descent got the best of my ears. They hurt pretty bad, thought I was going to cry but managed to survive! 11:30am we landed in Orlando where we prayed our luggage would arrive (especially since Bill had extremely bad luck with losing his luggage). All of our luggage arrived okay and now it was time to find our shuttle. The driver found us before we were able to find him.
After a 45min ride we were finally to Port Canaveral! We got our boarding passes, got in line and then were able to board the ship. We really didn't do a whole lot our first night since we were extremely exhausted from our long day of traveling. Both of us felt like such losers because all we really wanted to do was sleep! So we took a short nap which made us miss leaving the port lol. We then woke up and checked out the ship and went to dinner.
At dinner, we happened to be sitting in the worst spot ever! Our table must have been right above the motor or something because it was vibrating really bad- and made me sick. Yes, the first night we not only slept through the ship leaving but I was sick so we went to bed early! Bill however, was nice enough to get me some motion sickness pills in hopes that this would not continue through the rest of the trip (which it didn't thank GOD)!