Sunday, June 6, 2010

End of school, beginning of summer

Well, school didn't end so well. I ended up with 74.7% and I needed 75%... no rounding up. I think I would have been less upset if I wasn't so close. But everything happens for a reason and I'm not going to give up when I truly enjoy doing it. Maybe I'm just trying to do too much, by working, going to school, and have a family. So again, where do I go from here? My clinical instructor suggested that I check out the program at Elmira College. It's a bachelors degree instead of an associates and the curriculum is broken down a lot more and spread out over 3 years instead of two. So after talking to the head of the nursing department at Elmira, I have decided to give it a shot... I feel like Van Wilder because I've been in college forever, but eventually it WILL pay off! Because I have a good amount of credits from both Corning and Lycoming I only have to do 3 years at part-time status for my bachelors. The reason for this is because the nursing classes have to be taken in 3 yrs and no less, but at least I can go part time. Elmira is a very expensive college but going only part time my financial aid should cover all or most of it.
The advisor that I met with suggested that this summer I take a college algebra class this summer even though I have already taken statistics because the nursing program there has an entrance exam that I have to take in August. The test is a 3 part, 3 hour test that consists of math, english, and basic chemistry. So the math class is pretty much a refresher class since the last math I took was freshman year at Lycoming.
That about sums up my life as far as school goes, now the important stuff. Family and friends..

Nicole and her boyfriend, Ron moved to Orlando the end of May. I'm pretty sad that she's gone but so happy for her at the same time! Hopefully, Evan, Bill, Travis, and I can go visit them sometime soon; and go to Disney while we are there!

Evan is getting so big, it blows my mind! He's such a smart and happy little boy. He's taking swimming lessons on Saturday mornings and loves it. He comes home and tells me that he "jumped in n went all the way under!" He also talks like crazy. It seems like just yesterday he was babbling and now he can carry on an actual conversation.