Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

Although I ended up completely broke and my house a complete disaster, Christmas was wonderful! This was the first year that Evan was really into it and kind of knew what was going on. Seeing him opening presents and actually being excited about it was really awesome. We also got to have Travis this year on Christmas which was really nice. He was able to come to dinner at my parents house and then come home to open presents with Evan.
Travis and Evan
My sister Missy and my brother's girlfriend Kori
Evan and my dad

Evan and my nephew Cameron

Alyssa's visit

I hadn't seen Alyssa (roommate from Lycoming) since her babyshower, when Evan was only a couple months old. The biggest reason for this was that she lived in New Mexico which is about a gazilion miles away. So since she was coming home to DuBois we agreed that we really needed to meet up at some point. So Alyssa and her two beautiful girls made the drive to New York to stay the night... supposed to be two nights but the stupid snow ruined that! lol.. the night that she was here we did absolutely nothing but it was definitely nice to meet her little girls and of course to see her again! Hopefully, it won't be so long in between visits next time!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bad blogger..

So while Alyssa was here she reminded me how bad a blogger I am! lol. So here's my update from Halloween til today :)....

For Halloween Evan was an Eagles football player. It was really cute except that he wouldn't wear his shoulder pads. I didn't really get to see him because I was at work. So I only saw what was left of his costume when I got to my parents house to pick him up.

Beginning of November Jerri (a girl I work with) and I went to a Penn State game. It was a lot of fun. We had seats in the alumni section which was kinda cool listening to them tell stories of when they went to school there. Penn State started the game out losing 10-0 but had tied it by the end of the first half. Penn State ended up winning the game 30-something to 21.

Thanksgiving was nice. Bill had to work, so it kinda sucked that he was unable to be there but it was still nice to see the rest of my family. However, after big family dinners I am always happy to go home to quietness!

After Thanksgiving I only had 2 wks left of school. The end of the semester is never any fun. However, this one wasn't too bad since I was auditing. The nursing class that I was in didn't have any big end of semester papers or anything like that, just the final.... which I wasn't even too worried about because I only needed 44 pts out of 120 on the test to pass the class. You may be thinking.. why are you only worried about getting the bare minimum and just passing the class? well that's because a "C+" is passing in nursing which is a 75% instead of 65% like most classes. And no a 75% is not a great grade but these classes are so incredibly hard that people just hope for the bare minimum and that they just get to go on to the next semester! Hard to explain, but really the program that I am in has a 50% drop-out rate because it is so difficult (hence why I went from dean's list to failing last year..). BUT if you can make it through their 4 semester program 98% pass the RN licensing exam on their first try. Pretty impressive! Anyways, I kicked butt on my final- 100 pts out of 120. Ended up with a "B". So now no school until Jan 25!! :)

In the midst of the end of the semester, Alyssa and her two gorgeous little girls came to visit for a night. They weren't here long and we didn't even do anything but it was definitely nice to see an old friend and to meet her little girls! Hopefully, we will get to see them again before too long! :)