Saturday, January 31, 2015

Exhaustion is setting in

My busy schedule is really getting the best of me this week. I am very good at putting far too much on my plate at once.  For example.. When I didn't yet know if I was going to be getting the house, I signed up for a bunch of overtime at work. So now I'm working extra AND trying to pack the house. I know you're probably thinking.. You only work 3 days a week!! Maybe so BUT if you've never worked over nights- that first day off you are BEAT! I am pretty much worthless that first day. On top of my work schedule, chloe is taking puppy classes. Every Saturday morning for 6 weeks.. Just to show you a glimpse of my schedule so you don't think I'm just a big whiner lol:

7:30am wake up and get ev ready for school 
9-10: household chores/packing
10-1030: quick run (because on top of everything else, I'm training for a half marathon in March)
11-3pm: sleep!
3:30: get ev off the bus, homework, get ready for work
6pm: evan to cub scouts and I head to work until 730am

Thursday and Friday
830-10: packing
10-2pm: sleep
3:30 bus
450-530: Evans karate class (thurs only)
6: back to work until 730am

Saturday (today)
830-10: packing/household chores
10-1040: karate
12-1: puppy classes
1:30pm: SLEEP! 

I feel like a zombie already?! Fortunately, mike works until 9pm and evan goes with his dad before puppy classes so once I finally get to sleep I can stay in bed as long as I want... Or as long as chloe lets me!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I'm a homeowner!!

I got the house! Hooray! I officially closed on Monday (January 26). Now the fun begins... Packing and unpacking.. Changing addresses.. And appointments with cable, Internet, etc.

I'm sure all of this will make me a crabby bitch (sorry Mike), but it's done! We got the house :)