Saturday, February 28, 2015

Change of address hassle..

We changed our address at the post office a few days prior to moving... I understand that it sometimes takes a while to get mail that needs forwarded to the new address however, Mike was supposed to get his paycheck 2 weeks ago! And still has not received it. We have called the post office and gone to the post office and no one seems to know where it is. He checked with his work to make sure it wasn't returned (which it wasn't). Then the tell us that not all of your mail gets forwarded... Ok, so who decides what gets forwarded and what doesn't?! Then to top it all off he was supposed to get another paycheck yesterday and it didn't come... So basically he hasn't been paid in a month! Hopefully it comes soon or Mike may lose his mind!!

Is this winter ever going to end?!

We are in the new house and settled (for the most part)... But what happens not even one week after we're there?! FROZEN water pipes!  Thankfully they didn't burst. But it's been so cold that we've had to run a space heater in the crawl space 24hours a day. And go figure, we're paying utilities on the new place and old place this month when it's record breaking lows... Ugh! Go away winter!