Monday, February 21, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

Day 1: traveling

Because we thought the weather was going to be so awful we might not make it out of buffalo, we decided leaving way early was a good idea! So 6am we wake up and head out into what we thought would be a massive blizzard- Wrong!! Very happy that we didn't have to drive in a storm but not so happy about sitting at the airport for hours when we could have been sleeping! now it is 2:14 and our flight was supposed to leave at 1:46. Where are we? Still in buffalo. Flight was pushed back to 3:09. Just what I wanted to do, sit in the airport even longer!!! They have also said that the flight is overbooked because of flights being cancelled Sunday. Ugh! If we don't get on this flight we also miss our connecting flight. Hopefully, well be in Vegas by the end of the night!!!

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