Saturday, May 9, 2009

No-win situation..

Alyssa, I have to say, I'm slightly jealous of your life and your family and how well things are going for you (jealous but also super happy for you, you deserve it!). Lately, Bill and I just don't get along.. I sometimes wonder if him moving here wasn't the best idea. We don't have anything in common, and we don't do anything together. Days off he spends in the garage doing whatever to the jeep, so regardless if Bill's off or at work I have to have my mom or Daleann (my friends mom that watches Evan for me) watch Evan if I need to do something or go somewhere without him. I guess I imagined that when he moved here it would be like a fairytale and its just not. So this is my little bitchfest because I need to vent..

Daleann keeps Evan on Friday nights because usually both of us work late and than have to be back to work early the next day and it gives us a break which is nice! So last night I got out early and Nicole and I went to Applebees and ate. A couple of my friends called to see if I wanted to go out so I text Bill and told him to just let me know when he would be done with work and I would call a taxi and come home.. so he texted me at about 1030 and I said I would grab a cab and he told me not to worry about it, just don't be out until 3am. So I hangout a little longer and at 1230 I call a cab and go home. Normally, he would get mad because I would go to afterhours or whatever but I went home BEFORE the bar closed in an attempt to not make him mad. Apparently my attempt didn't work because he was still mad. For what I'm not really sure but he was!

Every year Bill does a fishing tournament the first weekend in June with his friend Steve. So he's been talking about it lately because it's coming up.. (please tell me if this is out of line): I tell him that since his parents don't see Evan a whole lot and he's going to be in Williamsport anyways why not ask his parents if they would want to watch Evan that weekend. I'll be at work anyways most of the time and it would give my parents a break since they have one or both of the grandkids pretty much every day. He says that his parents work on Friday and he's going down Thursday night so it wouldn't work. However, his sister lives 5 mins from them and doesn't work and offers all the time for Evan or all three of us to stay at her house. So I suggest that maybe she could watch Evan Thursday night and Friday until his parents are done work. Then he gets defensive and thinks that I have big plans for that weekend or something and thats why I want them both gone. Clearly, he's allowed a weekend alone and I am not.

He washes work clothes only... when asked to HELP me do the dishes he refuses.. and completely doesn't understand that school is like having a second job therefore I cannot possibly take care of Evan, pick up after both of them, and clean the house all by myself.. oh and still get the piles of homework done! This probably being the reason why I failed my class this semester (fill ya in on that one another time).

This one is definitely the topping on the cake...
About a month ago I found emails from his ex Jade. Yes the crazy one that keyed my car and made my life hell the whole time I was pregnant. He told her that he only moved here because she left him and he had no other choice.

I know you're probably like this guy is a flaming douchebag and you need to get away but I don't know what to do anymore. I wanna give up.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girlie...Honestly I only let ppl know the good stuff. I'm jealous of your life to be truthful. You have friends nad family that are at a phone call to be with you and to help you out. My friends live in NY and PA and are 2000 miles away!!! All i'm saying is don't give up. It sucks, being a single mom and working and trying to go to school. I'm married into the military, thats what I do! Niles is never home and when he is he is doing something for work. He deploys alot and is gone for months at a time! But You are not out of line for asking for his parents to watch need a break and they need to see their grand kid. The ex has got to go, and he needs to be honest with you about what his intentions are!!! Or i'll fly home and kick is ever lovin ass! ha ha I love you and if you ever need anything CALL!!! I'm always here! and up later than you cuz of the time difference!
