Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life is good :)

Bill and I are getting along much better, and have been for a couple months now. Which is absolutely wonderful! It's nice to want to go home after work instead of going out, which is how I used to feel. So we decided to plan a vacation for just the two of us. We had been talking about going on vacation for about a year but just never set anything up. We ended up booking a cruise to the bahamas for April! So I'm pretty excited about that. I've never really gone on vacation, and Bill and I have never gone on vacation together so it should be a good time.

Other than that, Bill is gone this week in Colorado. His boss knows a guy that owns a catering business there, so he wanted to send Bill down to get some more experience. He says that he really likes it there, and that it's really pretty. He then comes home for a week- but won't be around much because it's opening week for the season at the restaurant he works at. (Which really sucks because that's the week I'm off school). Then he goes to Las Vegas with some people from work for a food conference! So, Evan and I really won't be seeing much of Bill over the next couple weeks. Sucks for us, but happy that he's getting new experiences that he would have never gotten at his old job!

Also, I'm back in school. It's going good so far! The test that I failed last year that ultimately kicked me out of the program is at the end of March so we'll see how that goes!

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