Saturday, July 10, 2010

OMG! I have a Saturday off!

I forgot how much is going on around town on the weekends because I normally work 11-8 both Friday and Saturday, and if I do have off it's because I requested it and had something that I needed to do that day. But not today! I got it off, and didn't request it so there were no set plans for the day.
Started out the day by going to "mommy's work" for chicken and french fries because that's what Evan wanted for lunch, which ended up being a good thing because we saw Kristen who "pimped out" her hubby to me for the day. Jason and Abrielle (Kristen's husband and daughter) were going to the Street Painting Festival in Elmira so Evan and I went with them. It was pretty cool, they had two streets closed off and people using sidewalk chalk to make really cool pictures (which I didn't take pictures of because I'm a dummy), and there was live music and vendors. So we walked around for a bit and then the kids got their faces painted (which I do have pics of just not on the comp yet, lol).
After the Street Painting Festival we went to my Aunt Barb's to do some relaxing in the pool with her and the girls. I was very impressed with Evan's swimming while we were there. He takes swim lessons on Saturday mornings but his Nana takes him so I haven't really gotten to see him in action, she just tells me how well he does! And she wasn't kidding, he swims awesome! Still has to wear a life jacket but he was all over the pool- and he puts his face in the water without plugging his nose which I think is really good for him being not even three yet!
All in all it was a great day with the little guy. I wonder where our next adventure will be?!

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