Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A little worried

A while back I found a lump in my breast and decided to wait to see if it went away or got bigger or just stayed the same since it wasn't bothering me. So when I went to the doctors for a physical I had her check it out. I ended up getting an ultrasound done which was totally scary because I had to go to the breast cancer center to do it- so the specialists could see it. It ended up being a fibroadenoma which is benign and probably not going to bother me at any point. My doctor said they are very common in people my age but since I have a history of breast cancer in my family she wanted me to go talk to surgeon to see what he has to say.
The surgeon said that I have 3 choices: 1. leave it alone and watch it, 2. have a biopsy to make sure there is nothing wrong with it, or 3. have it removed. If I were to leave it alone it could bother me later or get bigger. If I have them do a biopsy and something is wrong then I'll have to have it removed. If I take it out then I no longer have to worry about it and they will send it for testing to be sure nothing is wrong. So what to do?
I'm having it removed! I don't really like the idea of surgery but I think it is the most conclusive option. Also, I won't have to watch it constantly and if another lump occurs I will know that it is something different because the existing one will be gone. So surgery tomorrow morning, only day surgery so I'll be home tomorrow afternoon. Wish me luck!

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