Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I don't like to eat potatoes!

All of a sudden Evan refuses to eat potatoes no matter what way you cook them. It seems like every day we try to give him a different form of potatoes and he refuses to eat them. So this morning we wake up to Evan singing "I don't like to eat potatoes" over and over. It was pretty cute!

Christmas 2010

Although it seems like Christmas goes on forever with us- literally a week of Christmas by the time we get done with both of our families! But it was very good. The kids both seemed very happy with everything they got- in fact Evan was so spoiled that he quit opening presents! Evan got a big-boy bed(twin) from my parents and a leapster explorer which he does not put down; Travis got a PSP and an Ipod touch (from his mom); I got Bill a new phone and a few little things and he got me a new coach purse and a sirius radio for my car! Pretty pumped about the radio because I loved it when I was driving his jeep. We also got a Wii for all of us which Bill and I have already put to good use. Pretty surprised at how good Evan is at the Wii, but he seems to be good at anything and everything electronic! ...Pictures to come of all the Christmas festivities and insane amount of toys Evan and Travis received.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Where to begin?

I have been so insanely busy in the past month! School is finally over, until January at least! And my grades are back up- which makes me so incredibly happy. It feels so good to be doing well again!! I ended up with an A- in epidemiology, and A- in health assessment, and a B+ in nursing.

Last weekend we had an employee christmas party. It was in the banquet room at work- open bar. Since we were all there it was pretty much serve yourself. I'm kind of surprised it was as calm as it was because when all of us girls get together we're usually out of control! I made out pretty well too... we did a gift exchange and I ended up with a basket filled with mini wine and liquor bottles and then Tag and Patty got stockings for everyone that we picked at random. Each had gift cards for random amounts and to random places. Mine was the top prize of $100 American Express Gift card!! So they pretty much handed me $100, which is always handy especially around christmas.

Evan is getting so big and so incredibly smart! He boggles my mind daily with the new words and things he knows how to do. He now controls my phone and computer and knows how to work them and get to the disney website for games! He told me the other day that he wants a Blackberry! And he wants to know how everything works.. including our body. He asked Bill where pee comes from lol. This year is also the first year that he really understands christmas and knows who Santa is. So when he was at a Christmas party with his Nana and Santa walked in he whispered "Nana, I'm supposed to be sleeping when he comes!"