Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Textbook buy back

I'm sure that anyone who has ever gone to college and bought hundreds of dollars in books is just as annoyed by this as I am but- how is that you can buy a book for $50-100+ and then when you sell it back you get practically nothing?? Sometimes makes me wonder if its really worth selling them back. But then again what am I going to do with the books?! NOTHING! They'll sit on the book shelf and never be opened again. Now I know sometimes the books are outdated and they give you very little because there is a new edition but, I have this book from this past semester that I'm only being offered $7 for and the school is still using the book- and here's the kicker.. they're selling it for $75 USED!! I think it's time for the schools to share a little bit of the wealth because they obviously bank on these books... multiple times if you count how many times they buy it back and then resell it. UGH! So frustrating!!

1 comment:

  1. Corning is pretty anal about them too. I had a book for a class that is only taught once per year. So you have to hold on to it until they are going to teach the class again the following year. Other times, the prices drop once so many books are returned. A book I was going to return I needed that day to study for finals. When I went to see how much I was gonna get back for it they told me $55, but that there were only 4 more books that they would buy back at that price, then the price would drop to $33. So it was like study? Or get money?..Thankfully I studied beforehand, and I got the proce I wanted. But I feel ya Rachey!!

