Sunday, January 9, 2011

Things I learned in 2010

About a week late, but hey- better late than never!

2010 definitely had its ups and downs, but I think overall I learned a lot about myself that I am hoping will only make 2011 a little easier than 2010!

Probably the most important thing I learned is that I am my own worst enemy! I think that sometimes I don't realize how good I have it. I have a wonderful family and amazing friends- but sometimes I get a little out of control and those wonderful people are the ones that pay for it. I was always a party girl and sometimes its hard for me to set that life behind me in order to be a good girlfriend, mom, and friend.

Don't sweat the small stuff! I know everyone says this but it really is true. I used to constantly nit-pick at Bill for little things that get on my nerves but I'm starting to realize that some of those really aren't worth the argument. I have to admit this hasn't completely gone away and probably never will, but I really am trying!!

Little kids amaze me! Evan (and my friends' children) constantly amaze me. It is absolutely insane that you can put an Iphone in front of a 3 year old and they know exactly how to use it! He is like a little sponge, learning as much as he can, as fast as he can. He is now in the stage where he is asking how things work or trying to figure it out on his own. I love this age...

1 comment:

  1. A lot can change in 8 months huh? this shoulda been hanging on a wall somewhere.
