Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fourth of July

The weekend started out good. I had Friday night off work so I got to see my friends Pat and Hilary that were home for the weekend. Later that night Tracie and I went out. Everyone was at the lake or camping so the bars were pretty dead, but we had fun.

Saturday I had to work during the day. It was really dead so I got out at 6 then Evan and I went to meet Jerri and her kids to go to fireworks at Ives Run (best fireworks I've ever seen). Evan did pretty well with the fireworks. Had to cover his ears but other than that he liked them.

Saturday night Bill and I are watching a movie and my phone starts ringing- it's my aunt Barb. She was at the hospital with my parents. They wrecked the motorcycle. Mom had to have surgery- they couldn't get her spleen to stop bleeding so they had to remove it. She also has a broken collarbone so shes pretty sore. Dad broke his cheek bone and the bone around his eye- so it was swelled shut. They also had to glue his nose together becuase it got split right down the middle.

Both my parents are doing okay- dad got released that night. I had to go to his house and stay with him because he had a concussion so they didn't want him to be at home alone. He might have to have surgery on his eye, but its opening up and he can see out of it so thats good. Mom's still in the hospital. They moved her out of ICU but they're not sure when she can come home..

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