Monday, January 10, 2011

Evan eats healthy... but I don't!

When I was growing up I was the pickiest kid you could ever meet. I would not (and STILL will not) eat hamburgers- why? I really have no clue. I've never had one, and yes I know that seems so extremely wierd to almost everyone! They just don't look appealing to me. I would eat hot dogs out of a napkin- because I didn't like bread; and I do NOT drink white milk. My mom pretty much catered to me.. she allowed me to continue my pickiness by doing things like making spaghetti sauce and having the hamburger separate so I would eat it. I later learned this is because she is just as picky as I am! In recent years, I have gotten better. I eat 10 times more then I did when I was a kid. Going away to school and then living with Bill probably has something to do with that.

So when I had a child of my own I told myself that I would not allow him to be a picky kid the way I was. He at least has to try everything on his plate- in return Evan eats practically everything! Mission accomplished.

My next goal is to keep him eating healthy! He loves fruits and veggies so I try to get him to eat them frequently and to stay away from fast food as much as possible! Next problem?! Bill and I do not set very good eating examples ourselves. Evan will eat a good breakfast of eggs and fruit with a glass of milk and then I'll have a cereal bar... and Bill doesn't eat breakfast. Evan will eat dinner and then Bill will bring him and I fast food on his way home from work. Hmm.. could this be a problem later? Is Evan not going to want to eat healthy foods because he doesn't see us eating them?! I'm not saying we never eat healthy, but we rarely have the chance to eat together because of work schedules so we worry about Evan and then the two of us eat whatever we find. Maybe I'll have to start forcing myself to eat better, it definitely wouldn't hurt!

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