Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It means, you're to blame!

Evan is in this stage where when he hears words he does not know he asks the meaning. So one day when Bill and I were talking something was said and Bill replied, "my fault." Evan immediately asked, "what does fault mean?" Bill and I just look at each other, how do we explain fault to a 3 year old?! So Bill says, "Evan, I'll get back to you. I have to look it up." Evan very calmly replies, "it means... you're to blame!" We were in shock. Did he really just explain to us what a word meant?? I guess our little smarty pants knows more than we thought!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

We are Heroes

In our house we now have to refer to Evan as "Incredible Hulk." And he's not the only one with nicknames around here, Bill is "Iron man" and I am "Captain America." If I say "what Evan?" I am corrected with "you mean Incredible Hulk." It is very cute and pretty fun. He'll randomly tell me there's a bad guy behind me that I will have to then throw a sword at. How did this start? Well this crazy kid loves to play games on and has found a game called the Avengers that uses all the superheroes and that is when we magically turned into them.. His imagination is amazing. I love it!

Thank you Dora

Evan is constantly surprising me with the new things that he has learned. He is always asking questions and wants to know how EVERYTHING works... which is sometimes annoying but also really cool because he finds these things so interesting that he wants to know how they work. He uses big words (although I cannot think of an example), and uses them correctly. And now he is using Spanish words!

Evan burst in our room one morning when he woke up and was very excited to tell Bill and I, "my pee is amarillo!!" Bill looks at me and asks what in the world Evan is talking about. He was saying that his pee is yellow- in spanish! So thank you Dora for now teaching my son to use spanish to describe his pee..

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Did you know...?

Last night Evan was throwing a fit because he didn't want to go to bed; so when he went to his room he slammed the door. He does this often and then remembers that his door sticks so if he slams it he can't open it! So he's in his room crying and can't get out and instead of running to the rescue we just let him cry for a bit because he was being pretty ridiculous. Then all of a sudden he says "guys... guys..." and keeps saying it over and over, sometimes really loud, sometimes nice and quiet. Bill goes upstairs and Evan says "Dad, did you know that Buzz says 'Hola amigos I'm Buzz Lightyear." Really Evan?! All that fuss to tell us what Buzz says??

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Latest Adventure!

This September I will be in my friend Kristina's wedding. One of the activities that she did with all the bridesmaids was to have a Mary Kay party. It was a lot of fun and because we all had color done Alden will come the day of the wedding and do all of our make-up. Since I am always looking for new ways to make money, I decided to check out Mary Kay.

After going to my first unit meeting, I see that it is certainly possible to make money if you "work your business" the way it's meant to be done. Bill calls me a sucker, but hopefully I can prove him wrong!

So for now, I'm trying to learn what I can and find people interested in having a party. I'm working on something special for whoever hosts my first party. If you are interested or need more info check out my website And for all my friends that do NOT live in New York, you can order through the website and it can be shipped directly to your house!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dreaming of girls at the ripe old age of 3!!

One night (probably a week or so ago) Evan was sleeping and Bill and I heard him talking- which he seems to do when he's stuffy. Not sure why, maybe because he's not sleeping as well?! ...Anyways, we hear him talking and turn the tv down to see if we can make out what he's saying. And what do we hear?! The name "Alexis" a little girl from daycare. We instantly bust up laughing, and then hear him say "I miss you." So cute, and so hilarious! We've got a little lady's man already!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Almost forgot about going to Minus5! It was an icebar that we saw on the travel channel. It was pretty much a big freezer where everything was made of ice. Definitely cool place to check out but I don't think we'd pay the money to do it again. $35 and you get a coat and gloves to wear and 2 drinks.. and then you stay for as long as you want. ..No pictures to share because they weren't allowed :(

Day 4- Last day in Vegas

Thursday we had to get up and out of the room by 11 which wasn't a problem because we'd been up early every day. Thursday was also my worst day possible in casinos! ..of course because I had no time to win it back!! I did well on the Roulette table early at Paris and then nothing after that. Bill did do good though! Then we headed to the Mirage to get tickets for Love, which we ended up getting for half price because the guy gave us tickets for the wrong time originally. Love was amazing!! I now know why Bill wanted to see it again.

After the show we had to get our bags and head straight to the airport. The flight left at midnight and headed to JFK. I woke up with about an hour left to JFK and was sooo hot and didn't feel well at all! When we finally landed at JFK (about 7am) I spent a good amount of time in the bathroom (YUCK!) Then our flight was delayed... then cancelled because of the snow in Buffalo. Finally we made it out of JFK at 2pm and headed for home. By this time my stomach was also feeling better... Thank GOD! We reached Buffalo at about 3 and headed for home. Along the way we saw 8+ tractor trailers off the road in ditches! Which didn't make me feel good about Bill driving after such a long day. But we made it home safe and sound at about 10.

Overall, Vegas was amazing! Definitely somewhere I'd like to go to again.

Vegas- Day 3

Wednesday we did some gambling in the morning and then checked out the Eiffel Tower. It was really cool to see the city from so high.

Later that night we decided to stop at the pawn shop from tv on our way to Fremont st. While we were there the guys from American Pickers stopped in. Since they were there Rick from Pawn Stars came out (not allowed to take pics of him).

Then we were off to Fremont st! Once it gets dark out, once an hour all the casino lights shut off and there is a light show on the ceiling above the casinos. I'd definitely like to check it out again when we have more time!

Then finally we went to the Improv comedy show at Harrah's. Hilarious! I've gotta look up who the comedians were because I don't remember their names but they were both very good!

Vegas- Day 2

Tuesday we got an early start to the day. We spent most of the day in the shops at Caesars. This mall was enormous and inside was gorgeous. We also had lunch at Max Brenner's- which was delicious. They had an amazing dessert menu you that we had absolutey no room to try and of course didn't make it back there another time- so maybe next time we'll just go and have dessert!

Later Tuesday night we were able to catch the volcano at the Mirage and the Bellagio fountains. The volcano was pretty cool and the fountains were very pretty.

From there we did some more tourist type stuff- including M&M world! :)

This night we tried to do some gambling in some casinos that weren't right near ours since we were out walking anyways. At Mandalay Bay I mangaged to win $200 on a wheel of fortune slot machine that had a huge wheel that spins when you get a bonus! Then another $200 on Roulette. Don't worry I would lose it all by the end of the trip lol.

Vegas- Day 1 Continued..

After traveling all day we finally made it to Vegas about 9pm (midnight here on the east coast). I was instantly in aww. We didn't really do a whole lot the first night. Grabbed some showers and food and did a little sight seeing and of course some gambling!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Viva Las Vegas!

Day 1: traveling

Because we thought the weather was going to be so awful we might not make it out of buffalo, we decided leaving way early was a good idea! So 6am we wake up and head out into what we thought would be a massive blizzard- Wrong!! Very happy that we didn't have to drive in a storm but not so happy about sitting at the airport for hours when we could have been sleeping! now it is 2:14 and our flight was supposed to leave at 1:46. Where are we? Still in buffalo. Flight was pushed back to 3:09. Just what I wanted to do, sit in the airport even longer!!! They have also said that the flight is overbooked because of flights being cancelled Sunday. Ugh! If we don't get on this flight we also miss our connecting flight. Hopefully, well be in Vegas by the end of the night!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Ok Dad, I'll get it for you

After Evan's bath last night I hear Bill and Evan talking...

Bill, "One game and then it's time for bed."
Evan, "But I want to play TWO games!"
"Well, I want a million dollars."
"OK Dad, I'll get it for you! Now can I play TWO games??"

So cute!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Australia anyone?!

So today when I got the mail I received a packet of information to go to a Nursing Convention in Australia. Sounds amazing right?! I thought so too! The tuition is $3300 and includes hotel and all group activities and seminars.. but doesn't include airfare to Australia and back.... which is a 33 hour flight AND $1100!! My tax refund would cover it however, I would then be broke for the rest of the year. So spend the money on an awesome experience or save my money and possibly go to Australia with Bill later in life???

Friday, January 21, 2011

Remembering You

Seeing the loss that some of my friends have dealt with lately really has me thinking about all the friends I lost a few years back. Highschool was pretty rough. Not so much the school part of it but the fact that I lost 8 friends in three and a half years. Some that I wasn't very close to, but others that were my best friends. Teachers told me that I "hung out with the wrong crowd" and that they'd drag me down right with them. But most of these people were the kids I grew up, so of course I didn't listen.. Looking back now, it seems so crazy. Going to funerals was like second nature... that feeling should not be normal for anyone, especially at 17, but it was for me. And wierdly enough, I thought everyone my age went through this.. until I went to college and my friend Josh passed. My friends there didn't know what to say, they'd never known anyone to die, let alone someone so young.

Of all the people I lost through those years, one in particular still makes me tear up. Forrest was like a big brother to me growing up. He lived next door for as long as I could remember. He was my brother's best friend and quickly became one of the family. He did whatever he could to look out for us.. all of us. I remember when I started partying my parents said that as long as Forrest was there, I could go. Because they knew if he was there nothing bad was going to happen to me. I remember getting mad at him because I'd try to talk to a guy and he'd come over, put his arm around me and be like "don't you know this is my little sister?!" and walk me to a group of girls. His energy was amazing, and his smile would light up a room. Hearing that he was gone broke my heart, and still does. I can't believe it's been 8 years...

I've never been one to remember dreams. I've woke up and thought to myself "that was wierd" but never actually remembered the dream.. except for once. The Christmas after he passed I dreamed he was sitting on my bed and he told me not to worry, he was okay. It was so real.. some times I wish I'd dream of him again, but I never have. I'm sure he's my angel, still looking out for me.

Now when I think of Forrest I wonder what he'd be like today.. if we'd still be as close as we were then.. I wish he could've met Evan and Bill.. and his nephews (they look just like him).. I could go on and on..

He'd be 29 tomorrow. Crazy.

I love you and I miss you.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Surviving the Dentist

At my last dentist appointment I took Evan (this is what they told me to do) to watch me have my teeth cleaned. Then, made him an appointment to go with me the next time. So for the past week or so we've been talking to Evan in preparation for his trip to the dentist. We even went as far as downloading a game to his Leapfrog where you clean teeth- in an effort to make it seem "cool." The morning of our appointment he tells me that he's excited to go to the dentist and that he's going to have "sparkly teeth." Meanwhile, I'm thinking yea right.. he's probably going to get in the chair and freak out! Finally, we get there. I go first. He sits and plays his game, periodically looking over to check out what's going on. Then I'm done. "MY TURN!" -he yells, and jumps into the chair. Then, I realize.. I was much more afraid of Evan going to the dentist than he was. He did awesome! Sat there very patiently as they cleaned his teeth, and then told everyone for the rest of the day that he went to the dentist!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Evan eats healthy... but I don't!

When I was growing up I was the pickiest kid you could ever meet. I would not (and STILL will not) eat hamburgers- why? I really have no clue. I've never had one, and yes I know that seems so extremely wierd to almost everyone! They just don't look appealing to me. I would eat hot dogs out of a napkin- because I didn't like bread; and I do NOT drink white milk. My mom pretty much catered to me.. she allowed me to continue my pickiness by doing things like making spaghetti sauce and having the hamburger separate so I would eat it. I later learned this is because she is just as picky as I am! In recent years, I have gotten better. I eat 10 times more then I did when I was a kid. Going away to school and then living with Bill probably has something to do with that.

So when I had a child of my own I told myself that I would not allow him to be a picky kid the way I was. He at least has to try everything on his plate- in return Evan eats practically everything! Mission accomplished.

My next goal is to keep him eating healthy! He loves fruits and veggies so I try to get him to eat them frequently and to stay away from fast food as much as possible! Next problem?! Bill and I do not set very good eating examples ourselves. Evan will eat a good breakfast of eggs and fruit with a glass of milk and then I'll have a cereal bar... and Bill doesn't eat breakfast. Evan will eat dinner and then Bill will bring him and I fast food on his way home from work. Hmm.. could this be a problem later? Is Evan not going to want to eat healthy foods because he doesn't see us eating them?! I'm not saying we never eat healthy, but we rarely have the chance to eat together because of work schedules so we worry about Evan and then the two of us eat whatever we find. Maybe I'll have to start forcing myself to eat better, it definitely wouldn't hurt!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Booky Wook

Last night I started reading a new book... My Booky Wook by Russell Brand. For those of you who are completely clueless to who that is... 1. Katy Perry's hubby, and 2. he's in the movies: Get him to the Greek and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. But anyways, I wanted to read this book because I think he's extremely interesting and he just has a crazy personality. The book is written by him, which I like because it's not him telling his story to someone and then them writing about it- it's his words.. and you can hear his British accent as you read it. I am only on chapter 3 but I can tell it's definitely going to be an interesting book- it talks about him facing drug, alcohol, and sex addiction. So if anyone out there is looking for a good book, go pick it up!

Cost: I bought it on my Iphone for $9.99. So you can probably find it a little more or a little less depending on where you look. But $10 isn't so bad!

Things I learned in 2010

About a week late, but hey- better late than never!

2010 definitely had its ups and downs, but I think overall I learned a lot about myself that I am hoping will only make 2011 a little easier than 2010!

Probably the most important thing I learned is that I am my own worst enemy! I think that sometimes I don't realize how good I have it. I have a wonderful family and amazing friends- but sometimes I get a little out of control and those wonderful people are the ones that pay for it. I was always a party girl and sometimes its hard for me to set that life behind me in order to be a good girlfriend, mom, and friend.

Don't sweat the small stuff! I know everyone says this but it really is true. I used to constantly nit-pick at Bill for little things that get on my nerves but I'm starting to realize that some of those really aren't worth the argument. I have to admit this hasn't completely gone away and probably never will, but I really am trying!!

Little kids amaze me! Evan (and my friends' children) constantly amaze me. It is absolutely insane that you can put an Iphone in front of a 3 year old and they know exactly how to use it! He is like a little sponge, learning as much as he can, as fast as he can. He is now in the stage where he is asking how things work or trying to figure it out on his own. I love this age...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

So happy when I woke up this morning to see snow on the cars! Don't get me wrong, I love warm weather- but the fact that it's January and I live in upstate New York we all know that warm weather is still a few months away! So in the winter my motto is that if it's going to be cold then I'd rather have snow on the ground. I'm not talking an inch or two, I want SNOW, and lots of it! Yes, driving in the snow sucks, but when it's freezing cold outside and no snow on the ground there is absolutely NOTHING to do! I want to take Evan sled riding and maybe even snowmobiling this year... So to all of you who woke up and cursed the snow this morning... LET IT SNOW!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Textbook buy back

I'm sure that anyone who has ever gone to college and bought hundreds of dollars in books is just as annoyed by this as I am but- how is that you can buy a book for $50-100+ and then when you sell it back you get practically nothing?? Sometimes makes me wonder if its really worth selling them back. But then again what am I going to do with the books?! NOTHING! They'll sit on the book shelf and never be opened again. Now I know sometimes the books are outdated and they give you very little because there is a new edition but, I have this book from this past semester that I'm only being offered $7 for and the school is still using the book- and here's the kicker.. they're selling it for $75 USED!! I think it's time for the schools to share a little bit of the wealth because they obviously bank on these books... multiple times if you count how many times they buy it back and then resell it. UGH! So frustrating!!