Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

Although I ended up completely broke and my house a complete disaster, Christmas was wonderful! This was the first year that Evan was really into it and kind of knew what was going on. Seeing him opening presents and actually being excited about it was really awesome. We also got to have Travis this year on Christmas which was really nice. He was able to come to dinner at my parents house and then come home to open presents with Evan.
Travis and Evan
My sister Missy and my brother's girlfriend Kori
Evan and my dad

Evan and my nephew Cameron

Alyssa's visit

I hadn't seen Alyssa (roommate from Lycoming) since her babyshower, when Evan was only a couple months old. The biggest reason for this was that she lived in New Mexico which is about a gazilion miles away. So since she was coming home to DuBois we agreed that we really needed to meet up at some point. So Alyssa and her two beautiful girls made the drive to New York to stay the night... supposed to be two nights but the stupid snow ruined that! lol.. the night that she was here we did absolutely nothing but it was definitely nice to meet her little girls and of course to see her again! Hopefully, it won't be so long in between visits next time!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Bad blogger..

So while Alyssa was here she reminded me how bad a blogger I am! lol. So here's my update from Halloween til today :)....

For Halloween Evan was an Eagles football player. It was really cute except that he wouldn't wear his shoulder pads. I didn't really get to see him because I was at work. So I only saw what was left of his costume when I got to my parents house to pick him up.

Beginning of November Jerri (a girl I work with) and I went to a Penn State game. It was a lot of fun. We had seats in the alumni section which was kinda cool listening to them tell stories of when they went to school there. Penn State started the game out losing 10-0 but had tied it by the end of the first half. Penn State ended up winning the game 30-something to 21.

Thanksgiving was nice. Bill had to work, so it kinda sucked that he was unable to be there but it was still nice to see the rest of my family. However, after big family dinners I am always happy to go home to quietness!

After Thanksgiving I only had 2 wks left of school. The end of the semester is never any fun. However, this one wasn't too bad since I was auditing. The nursing class that I was in didn't have any big end of semester papers or anything like that, just the final.... which I wasn't even too worried about because I only needed 44 pts out of 120 on the test to pass the class. You may be thinking.. why are you only worried about getting the bare minimum and just passing the class? well that's because a "C+" is passing in nursing which is a 75% instead of 65% like most classes. And no a 75% is not a great grade but these classes are so incredibly hard that people just hope for the bare minimum and that they just get to go on to the next semester! Hard to explain, but really the program that I am in has a 50% drop-out rate because it is so difficult (hence why I went from dean's list to failing last year..). BUT if you can make it through their 4 semester program 98% pass the RN licensing exam on their first try. Pretty impressive! Anyways, I kicked butt on my final- 100 pts out of 120. Ended up with a "B". So now no school until Jan 25!! :)

In the midst of the end of the semester, Alyssa and her two gorgeous little girls came to visit for a night. They weren't here long and we didn't even do anything but it was definitely nice to see an old friend and to meet her little girls! Hopefully, we will get to see them again before too long! :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Eww mommy"

Since we had a really nice night wednesday I decided that Evan and I would sit outside on the sidewalk and carve our pumpkin. So I cut the top off and reach inside and pull out seeds and all the slimey stuff and tell Evan to touch it. Being a boy I figured he would love it. WRONG! He looks at me and says "eww mommy, thats ca-ca." So needless to say mommy did all the pumpkin carving because Evan thought it was gross..

Bradley Farms

Last week Bill, Evan, and I went to Bradley Farms to pick out a pumpkin. When we got there there wasn't very many pumpkins left but there was some cute stuff for Evan to check out. It was also nice because being during the day in the middle of the week there wasn't anyone else there so Evan could run around with much worry.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Evan's birthday weekend

Last weekend was so busy! Saturday (19th) was Evan's birthday. Nicole was having a surprise 30th birthday party for Ron at the lake, so we went there during the day. It couldn't have been a nicer day to be at the lake, especially considering it was middle of September! It was gorgeous. Evan and I hung out there for a while and then we had to go to Bill and Daleann's house. They were having a party for Raeleen who just graduated bootcamp for the airforce and is getting sent to Korea!

Ron's Cake
Evan and his birthday shirt :)

The birthday boys

Nicole, Ron, and Lexi

Sunday, we had Evan's birthday party. Evan really enjoyed the cake, as you'll see in the pics/video. He got a kids tool set from Bill that he absolutely loves, and a ball pit from my brother!

Evan's cake

Evan and Grandpa

An attempt at a family picture (Evan wouldn't cooperate)

Evan's ball pit

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

things seem to be looking up..

Things with Bill and I are kind of wierd right now. Past couple days have been good but I sometimes feel like I'm walking on eggshells, therefore, waiting for the next fight. Hopefully I am wrong and things will turn out okay.

Evan is getting bigger by the minute. He's saying lots of new words and you can carry on simple conversations with him. It's absolutely amazing! His birthday is Saturday- Terrible Two's (which I think hit a long time ago). We're having a birthday party him at the park Sunday with lots of "cars" stuff. Bill's family and Travis are coming up so that should be good since Evan and I haven't seen them in a while.

School is going good also. I'm auditing Nursing I even though I already passed it, because I didn't do that well in it before and I couldn't get into Nursing II again until January. Doing much better in it this time and learning things I didn't pick up on before.

So all in all things seem to be looking up! Let's just hope it stays that way..

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Things have been so up and down with Bill and I lately. To be honest I have no clue what is going to happen with us, or even what I want to happen. We both do things that we know will make the other mad and therefore, we're fighting all the time. I feel bad for Evan, he's the one that is suffering. Saturday night we got into a fight and Evan woke up.. Bill ended up getting mad and leaving. The next day when Bill came home, Evan just stood there looking back and forth to see if we were going to fight again. It broke my heart. So now I really don't know what to do. Part of me thinks that we've done too much to ever make it work and the other part of me wants nothing more than to try to make it work. So I'm torn, stay and try to make it work or end it?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Evan dancing in highchair

A day at the lake..

Since I finally had a wednesday off, AND it was nice outside Evan and I went to the lake with Ron, Nicole, and Alexis. When we got to the lake I was carrying Evan down the dock and noticed I was getting wet... it was neither my water bottle or Evan's cup. Evan was peeing on me! So we go and get changed and then get in the boat. We cruised around for a while and then went to Ron's friend, Sean's cottage. Then, we went tubing and swam for a while. Evan loved the water, Alexis however refused to get in the water but loved the boat. Then we went to the switz for all you can eat crab legs!!
When we got back to Nicole's, I am again holding Evan... only for him to pee on me again! Apparently swim diapers are more comfortable for toddlers because they don't blow up when in water, but they cannot hold pee very well! Evan then had to wear one of Lexi's princess pull-ups back to our house.
Evan driving the boat
Nicole and Ron

Evan and Alexis on our way to the lake!

Friday, July 10, 2009


mom's home from the hospital and doing okay. evan was mad because she couldn't pick him up. dad has to have surgery on his eye next week.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fourth of July

The weekend started out good. I had Friday night off work so I got to see my friends Pat and Hilary that were home for the weekend. Later that night Tracie and I went out. Everyone was at the lake or camping so the bars were pretty dead, but we had fun.

Saturday I had to work during the day. It was really dead so I got out at 6 then Evan and I went to meet Jerri and her kids to go to fireworks at Ives Run (best fireworks I've ever seen). Evan did pretty well with the fireworks. Had to cover his ears but other than that he liked them.

Saturday night Bill and I are watching a movie and my phone starts ringing- it's my aunt Barb. She was at the hospital with my parents. They wrecked the motorcycle. Mom had to have surgery- they couldn't get her spleen to stop bleeding so they had to remove it. She also has a broken collarbone so shes pretty sore. Dad broke his cheek bone and the bone around his eye- so it was swelled shut. They also had to glue his nose together becuase it got split right down the middle.

Both my parents are doing okay- dad got released that night. I had to go to his house and stay with him because he had a concussion so they didn't want him to be at home alone. He might have to have surgery on his eye, but its opening up and he can see out of it so thats good. Mom's still in the hospital. They moved her out of ICU but they're not sure when she can come home..

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Phillies vs Yankees!

Bill's boss Mike bought tickets for the Yankees vs. Phillies at the new Yankee Stadium. It was a lot of fun. 13 of us went and Mike paid for pretty much everything. He said he just wanted to show them that he appreciates his management team. Everyone we went with was Yankee fans and of course since Bill is from Philadelphia we wore Phillies shirts! It was a great game. Phillies won 4-3 in extra innings.

On the way home we stopped in Jersey to get gas and were talking about where to eat. Mike said since we were gonna be getting home late he would rather get fast food and keep on the road. Everyone was okay with it except Tracy who was in the bathroom and didn't get to voice her opinion. Since we were leading we stopped at this steak house since it was the first place we saw. Bill looks over and sees a guy that appears to be dead with his head on the steering wheel and truck still running. The guys go over to check it out and the guy had a syringe in his hand and a tow rope in his lap. So we go in and tell the manager who calls 911. Guy ended up waking up but I'm pretty sure he was going to jail for shootin up in the back parking lot!

All in all the day was a lot of fun but extremely long!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

No-win situation..

Alyssa, I have to say, I'm slightly jealous of your life and your family and how well things are going for you (jealous but also super happy for you, you deserve it!). Lately, Bill and I just don't get along.. I sometimes wonder if him moving here wasn't the best idea. We don't have anything in common, and we don't do anything together. Days off he spends in the garage doing whatever to the jeep, so regardless if Bill's off or at work I have to have my mom or Daleann (my friends mom that watches Evan for me) watch Evan if I need to do something or go somewhere without him. I guess I imagined that when he moved here it would be like a fairytale and its just not. So this is my little bitchfest because I need to vent..

Daleann keeps Evan on Friday nights because usually both of us work late and than have to be back to work early the next day and it gives us a break which is nice! So last night I got out early and Nicole and I went to Applebees and ate. A couple of my friends called to see if I wanted to go out so I text Bill and told him to just let me know when he would be done with work and I would call a taxi and come home.. so he texted me at about 1030 and I said I would grab a cab and he told me not to worry about it, just don't be out until 3am. So I hangout a little longer and at 1230 I call a cab and go home. Normally, he would get mad because I would go to afterhours or whatever but I went home BEFORE the bar closed in an attempt to not make him mad. Apparently my attempt didn't work because he was still mad. For what I'm not really sure but he was!

Every year Bill does a fishing tournament the first weekend in June with his friend Steve. So he's been talking about it lately because it's coming up.. (please tell me if this is out of line): I tell him that since his parents don't see Evan a whole lot and he's going to be in Williamsport anyways why not ask his parents if they would want to watch Evan that weekend. I'll be at work anyways most of the time and it would give my parents a break since they have one or both of the grandkids pretty much every day. He says that his parents work on Friday and he's going down Thursday night so it wouldn't work. However, his sister lives 5 mins from them and doesn't work and offers all the time for Evan or all three of us to stay at her house. So I suggest that maybe she could watch Evan Thursday night and Friday until his parents are done work. Then he gets defensive and thinks that I have big plans for that weekend or something and thats why I want them both gone. Clearly, he's allowed a weekend alone and I am not.

He washes work clothes only... when asked to HELP me do the dishes he refuses.. and completely doesn't understand that school is like having a second job therefore I cannot possibly take care of Evan, pick up after both of them, and clean the house all by myself.. oh and still get the piles of homework done! This probably being the reason why I failed my class this semester (fill ya in on that one another time).

This one is definitely the topping on the cake...
About a month ago I found emails from his ex Jade. Yes the crazy one that keyed my car and made my life hell the whole time I was pregnant. He told her that he only moved here because she left him and he had no other choice.

I know you're probably like this guy is a flaming douchebag and you need to get away but I don't know what to do anymore. I wanna give up.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Mom's Day to me!

Bill and I went and got a couple's massage yesterday for mother's day. It was nice to do something just the two of us- even though we didnt really talk or anything! Quietness was nice... and the massage was amazing!

Monday, May 4, 2009


For those of you who didn't know.. Bill is from Philadelphia- therefore, he is a huuuge eagles fan. Evan's new favorite word is "cock-a-doodle-doo" and every time we go outside he points to this tin rooster thing on the neighbors porch and says "cock-a-doodle-doo" over and over. How does this have to deal with the fact that Bill's from Philly?? well.. Evan thinks it's funny to point to eagles stuff and say "cock-a-doodle-doo" as Bill repeatedly trys to explain to him that its an eagle not a rooster! I told Bill that he has to tell Evan what a eagle says and his response? " I don't know what an eagle says!" It's quite hilarious!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Trav's Birthday

Last Sunday we went to Lock Haven for a little birthday party for Bill's son, Travis who turned 9 on the 9th. When we were making plans for the party I decided that I wanted to make Trav's birthday cake. So I decided on a two layer funfetti cake with chocolate frosting and then decorated it.. after making the cake I remembered that Travis is in the stage where something that is his favorite today he will probably hate tomorrow. So I was really unsure if he would even like it.

We get down to Bill's parents and all the kids play outside all day and we kind of just relax before heading to Bill's sister Gwen's for dinner and cake. Travis hadn't seen the cake all day, and as dumb as this sounds I was nervous because I kept thinking that he would hate the cake lol. But anyways, we finally get the cake out and he said that it looked good but when Sandy (Bill's stepmom) tells Trav that I made it he ran lol... later he said that "rainbow cake" is his new favorite so I guess I did all right!

The cake I made for Travis

Travis being silly

Bill, Travis, Evan, Josh, and Zack

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Evan's girlfriend Lexi

So my best friend's fiance has a two year old little girl, Lexi. Lately, Nicole has been bringing Lexi over to play with Evan and Lexi was always really shy and didn't really want anything to do with Evan. Evan on the other hand followed her around like a little puppy.

So the other day Nicole brings Lexi over and Evan gets in this pop-up hamper because he likes to play peek-a-boo. and Lexi wants to get in it too. So both the kids are in the hamper.. Next thing we know they both sit down and are popping out of it yelling peek-a-boo! It was really cute. Now Lexi likes to play with Evan, and when Nicole wants to leave she doesn't want to.

These next pics are of Evan and my nephew Cameron..

Cam wasn't happy when my sister dropped him off, so Evan's trying to make him feel better by showing him his toys

Evan actually posed for a picture. Normally you have to sneak attack him with the camera!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day of Nothing..

Today the three of us got up and around, Bill left for work, and Evan and I did pretty much nothing. It was nice. No school, no work. Just me and the little guy. Days like today make me wish I didn't have to work or go to school...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A little bit about me..

My name is Rachael. I live in a little town called Painted Post with my boyfriend, Bill, and our son, Evan. I work at Tag's as a server, and go to Corning Community College for nursing.

Bill and I met when I was going to school at Lycoming College in Williamsport, PA. To make a long story short- I moved home when I was pregnant and Bill moved here this past August. So far, things are going well. We have our little arguements, but who doesn't?

I can't cook- that's probably why I date one. lol. And I'm very picky when it comes to food. I love pizza, seafood, and hot sauce!

I love music in general.. but my favorites are most country (especially kenny chesney), and dave matthews band. But my zune contains a little bit of everything from OAR to Red Hot Chili Peppers.